March 28
6:00-8:00pm – Asana Theory: Hip openers
March 29
9 – 11:30am — Asana Theory: Arm Balances and Inversions
12:30-2:00pm - The 3 Sublime Aspects of Pranayama
March 30
9 - 11am – Asana Theory: Backbends
11:15am-12:15pm - Connections Between Breath, Prana, Karma, and Dharma
Asana Theory: Hip openers
This workshop will include asana theory, pranayama, and philosophy classes.
Hip Openers, Arm Balances & Inversions, and Backbends
The asana theory classes will be centered around using foundational asanas to learn the
intermediate asanas of 2nd Series. You'll learn the logical steps that begin with the basic poses
(Surya Namaskara, standing, and finishing) and progress to more challenging poses, such as
those in the second and third Series.
You'll learn about analyzing a complex asana from the viewpoint of its more basic
foundation. Starting from the foundation allows you to identify a set of logical steps that make
available different options for working the pose, ranging from more accessible to more
challenging. You'll learn safe modifications for each pose and exercises/drills that build
strength and flexibility efficiently. This emphasis on safety and efficiency will reassure you and
boost your confidence in your practice. Working with a stepwise approach to intermediate and
advanced asanas also allows you to find suitable ways of playing with more complex poses.
The philosophy talks will focus on the meaning and application of Nadi Shodana (2nd Series)—
cleansing of the energy (pranic) channels.
Sample of poses to be studied:
2nd series: Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, Laghu Varjrasana, and Kapotasana
2nd series: Bakasana, Tittibhasana, Pincha Mayurasana, Karandvasana, Mayurasana, Nakrasana,
7 Sirsasana variations
2nd series: Eka Pada Sirsasana, Dwi Pada Sirsasana, Yoga Nidrasana, Vatayanasana,
The 3 Sublime Aspects of Pranayama
This pranayama class will feature the art of exhaling, the art of inhaling, and the art of retention.
Further playful explorations of the Ashtanga yoga pranayama sequence—including work with
Bhastrika, Surya and Chandra Bhedana, and Sitali techniques. Applying “Sthira Sukham” to your
pranayama seat (both supine and upright options.) Working with some helpful layers of
breathing techniques that up lead up to Kumbhaka—the central focus of pranayama.
Connections Between Breath, Prana, Karma, and Dharma
This philosophy talk will center around interpreting passages from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the
Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Pradipika, and other texts—highlighting such themes as summoning
courage to maintain a daily practice, walking your own unique chosen path, developing skill in
risk taking, and exploring the role of breath in helping you to act skillfully and awaken the life
force within.